The National Museum at Onikan, Lagos provides one of the largest collection of art and artifacts in Nigeria. Of great importance to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of African art and the rich cultural heritage of Nigeria, the artifacts in the museum date from 500 BC-200 AD, including the Nok terracotta heads. Its interior is majestic in scope, and retraces the development of various cultures through centuries of Nigerian history. Operated by the National Commission for Museums and Monuments, the museum here, like —others in Benin, Jos, Ife, Esie, Kano and Kaduna, plus many smaller ones, consistently draws thousands of tourists and historians each year to view its rich collections.
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Welcome, as we Nigerians will say to any visitor to our homes. Yes, you are welcome to our community website of Sacramento Association of Nigerians (SAN), the gathering site of all things Nigerian where you will find all community-driven information, contacts, business outreach, and contacts with relevant Nigerian government, Embassy as well as the teeming local businesses in the Sacramento region of northern California...
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